James Levine Returns To The Met...Opening Night Protest at The Met...Composers Look to Books And Movies For Material...The bell tolls for thee, New York City Opera...Dallas Opera Balances Budget Ahead Of Schedule...Weight Loss Film Shown At Opera House...Human Piano.

Oliver's Corner Finishes Up Eugene Onegin with the man himself and Prince Gremin.

All that plus an alternate universe where NYCO thrives and The Met Dives...what could have happened?

This week features Michael, The OC, Doug Dodson and Jenny Rivera. Plus, some old tyme podcasters.

Direct download: on200.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06am PST

Gerard Mortier out at Teatro Real...Juilliard grads bring opera to the schools via superhero stories...Opera makes mice live longer...Opera News Awards recipients announced...The tale of the Alma Mahler sex doll...Portland Opera has nobody to market their shows.

This week in Oliver's Corner five sopranos "pull a Tatyana" by writing one very long and messy letter that repeats the same phrase over and over again.

This week features Michael, The OC, Doug Dodson and Jenny Rivera.



Direct download: on199.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:46am PST

NYCO at yet another crossroads (and not the good one with Ralph Macchio)...Debora Voigt says to turn out the lights, the parties over...Gerard Mortier undergoes cancer treatment...Courting the youngtech community in Silicon Valley.

This week in Oliver's Corner, we begin a three-part series on Eugene Onegin  just in time for the Met season premiere with the music of Lensky performed by Neil ShicoffNicolai Gedda, and twomystery tenors.

Plus Guess Who Died?

This week features Michael, The OC, Doug Dodson and Jenny Rivera

@operanowpodcast, @theoperaqcompany, @dougdodsonenews, @jjennymr


Direct download: on198.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50am PST





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